5212 Brushville Road, Susquehanna, Pa 18847 / 570-465-7200
Wall Stone


8" Snapped Wall Stone​

Natural Steppers​

Snapped and Tumbled

Cubical Material​

Colonial Wallstone​
Endless Mountain Minerals offers a wide variety of wall stone building materials for any job on your project list. Fieldstone, cubical, sawn edge wall stone, 8" snapped wall stone (regular or tumbled), and colonial wall stone are all available to incorporate into your landscape and hardscape projects.
Fieldstone - Stone created by glacial movement causing pieces to break off from large masses. It was then moved by settlers when clearing land to make pastures and other open expanses. 200-500 years of weathering gives fieldstone its distinctive organic appearance.
Sorted thin (up to 3"), regular (1" - 5"), and heavy (5" up to as large as one man can handle), this material is stackable.
Veneer Fieldstone
3" to 5" thick for a mosaic face application.
Natural Steppers - Natural fieldstone material sorted to various thickness ranges listed below to be used as steps and landings giving an overall rustic feel to any area. Given the organic nature of this material, all dimensions given are approximate.​
Garden Path Steppers
1 1/2" - 5" thick x 12" - 18" wide x up to 36" with a walkable surface.
Approximately 70-80 square feet per pallet
2'x3' Steps
5" - 9" x 15" - 36" x 34" - 44", walkable surface and 1 long exposed edge
2' x 4' Steps
5" -9" x 15" - 36" x 45" or longer, walkable surface and 1 long exposed edge
Cubical Material - Cubical material with color tones predominantly earth toned, sorted into regular, random, boulders, and steps. This material is available in limited quantities. Please call to discuss if interested.​​
8" Snapped Wall Stone - Sawn top and bottom and snapped on a guillotine, this material comes in multiple rises (mixed 2" - 6" or solid pallets of 2", 3", 4", or 6") with a consistent 8" bed depth. Lengths vary from approximately 6" up to 42". Standard pallets are categorized as full color, but blue select is also an option.
8" Snapped and Tumbled Wall Stone - Processed as snapped wall stone, then finished in the rotary tumblers, this finished product offers a softer yet still consistent finish to your projects. Available in the same color and rise options as our standard 8" bed depth snapped wall stone.
Colonial Wall Stone - Quarried, random broken material is sorted to the following thickness ranges, stacked, wrapped, and ready for transport.
Full color is sorted to thin (up to 2"), regular (1" - 4"), and heavy (4" and up). ​​​​​​​​​​​
Blue colonial is palletized as thin (1" - 2") and regular (3" - 6").
Limited quantities of lilac material up to 4" thick. Please call for information.
Sawn Edge Wall Stone (Mill Ends) - This material is perfect for areas where support is needed, but not visible. Supporting and protecting sluice pipes or hidden structural walls are common applications for this material. Call for more information.