5212 Brushville Road, Susquehanna, Pa 18847 / 570-465-7200
For vertical veneer work, Endless Mountain Minerals carries multiple options to complete your projects. Available in multiple colors, various bed depths, and rises, we can help you create a beautiful facade to be enjoyed for life.
Snapped Edge Veneer - Nominal 4" bed depths, random lengths up to 42", and rises sorted either 2"-6" or 5"-9" to be used as jumpers, this material is sawn top and bottom and then snapped on the guillotine. Due to the nature of bluestone, this process creates concave and convex sides that will add depth and texture to your finished wall. Orders for select sizes and colors can be discussed to fit your needs. Coverage for this material is estimated at 35 face square feet per ton.
Thin Veneer, Natural Face Only - Made from beautiful natural cleft bluestone, this material comes 3/4" to 1-1/4" thick and is sawn in rises of 2-1/4", 5", and 7-3/4" allowing installation to create a finished and uniform look with the texture only available in natural cleft pattern. Lengths range from 11-1/2" to 42". For a more natural edge, we also carry this same thin veneer with snapped edges in a rise range of 1" to 5".
Thin Veneer Corners - Corners made to work with our natural face thin veneer, with the same thickness range and rises, with snapped ends. ​​​​​​​